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re: comment on "quote without comment"

George Graves, responding to my quotation from The Times that "Quadrifoglio
refers to the car's four-cylinder, four-valve engine", writes "to my
knowledge, no 'Guilia' engined (1600, 1750, 2000cc) consumer model ever had 4

Nice touch, George adding a hypothetical misspelling of Giulia, but George
makes a leap of faith in assuming that the author meant "4 valves/cylinder"; I
had assumed he quite literally mean four cylinders, four valves. A
technological great-leap-forward, which if applied to other systems could cure
the "Garbage in, garbage out" equation. A Black Hole, perhaps.

Still, The Times did manage "Alfa Romeo", and deserves points for that.

And indeed, one should not uncritically read everything one sees in a
newspaper, magazine, book, or internet list, with the possible exception of
this one. I still find the paper usually interesting, often both informative
and credible, and sometimes amusing. Better than many alternatives - -


John H.
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