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RE: Nuova Giulietta architecture (was: re: a proposed alternate terminology)

My memory was faulty indeed.   Futher reminder that A) I need to rely less
on my memory and more on facts and B) I'm getting old.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-alfa@domain.elided [mailto:owner-alfa@domain.elided]On Behalf Of
Dana Loomis
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 19:28
To: alfa-digest@domain.elided
Subject: RE: Nuova Giulietta architecture (was: re: a proposed alternate

Peter Webb wrote of the Nuova Giulietta:
>This may be my faulty memory but I was sure I remembered it being a
>conventional 115 setup.

His memory is indeed faulty.  The angular Giulietta of the '80s was a
relatively straightforward variant of the Alfetta, complete with Dedion
axle and rear-mounted transmission integrated with the differential.

Dana Loomis
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