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equal-opportunity nitpicking

Peter Webb, who I am very glad to see back on the digest, attributed one of
the 105/115's virtues to the 116/162 in his Whoops! revision of his first
reply to Martin in Sydney about establishing the final drive ratio of Martin's
transaxle. "Whoops.  Make sure its in 4th gear which is 1:1", he wrote.

True for all of the split-case 75/101/102/105/106/115 boxes, and for the
Montreal and Alfa Sei ZF boxes, and probably close enough for Martin's
purpose, but none of the transaxle boxes have any direct drive. Fourth is
usually 1:0.94, but sometimes 1:1.04, or 1:1.03, or 1:1.02, if d'Amico &
Tabucchi are correct, which they often are. The other ratios given in the
1.04,1.03,1.02 boxes are odd enough that I suspect some rounding-up or
rounding-down of longer decimals may be snookering the numbers but I'm not
going to try to track that down at this hour. But I will stake money on fourth
always being indirect, and on there being at least two sets of indirects, both
used on different years of the GTV 6.

While I'm at it, Zamani wrote "The 161/162 cars like the Milano/75 were
derivatives from the Giulietta". I don't know where the '161' might have come
from other than a simple typing transposition from 116, which shouldn't apply
to a 75; I haven't seen it in any of the sources that give Alfa type numbers.

John H.
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