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about bosch edu mods

The guy who published those jetronic ecu mods was Tero Antero Katajainen.

Although his site is no longer there, there are many 
sites around.

I've tried it in my verde's ecu, while all the markings
were at the same indicated location, their purpose don't 
seem to match up. For an example , the easierst one to spot
the difference is probably the rev limiter. According to
his article, smaller value of R for R106 yields higher rev

For some reason, my verde ecu cuts in really early at
5500rpm so it is rather annoying esp on the track...

I attached a pot to R106 so I can adjust the R value 
between 0 - 68k ohm though I took care never to get it
too close to 0ohm. 

Result was dissapointing, no matter what resistance I tuned
in, the rev limit kicks in dead on at 5500rpm.

So, those of you EE guys with oscilloscope and a signal
generator, check it out and see if you find something new.

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