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RE : smog cops and SUVs (alfa content somewhere) - LONG

unfortunately the smog tests measure parts per
million, not total amount of pollution. so while a
little 3 cylinder Sprint is putting out the same percentage 
of pollution in its exhaust as a big honking, fire breathing,
ugly ass Escalade, the Escalade is blowing a lot
more of the stuff into the air i breathe.  if the smog
laws were based on total pollution expelled, wouldn't
things be different? how about measuring the amount 
of natural resources used in manufacturing, maintaining,
and operating vehicles?  i get great gratification in using
small efficient vehicles, and feel extremely guilty driving
anything big without using it for what it was really intended

here in LA the SUVs go really slow around corners
too, but drive bonzai down the freeways ( go figure ).
i was fortunate to witness one of these freeway blitzing
bozos roll his SUV right in front of me while commuting
on my motorcycle.  one of those vivid and colorful stories
you tell to your grandkids.  it may seem cruel, sadistic, 
and insensitive, but all i could do was smile and say to
myself  -"darwinism."   the roads here are overwhelmed
with them.  i try to keep my pretty little alfa as far from
the commuting masses as possible.

a while back, someone was venting about having some
big bad vehicle always park next to their spider no matter
how hard they tried to avoid it.  i just witnessed it first hand :
four of us carpooled to lunch in my manager's wife's new
bimmer cabriolet.  we parked at the outskirts of the lot
where NOBODY was parked REMOTELY near.  when we
were all standing around in the adjoining spaces while
he put the soft top up, a lady in a big obnoxious beast
pulled up and waited for us to move so she could park
right next to us ! with many dozens of other empty spaces
open !  so we all just stood around - looking up, looking
down, and looking around - until at least a minute later
she finally gave up and parked a few spaces down.
sheesh !  i am beginning to have more respect for those
previously annoying people who take up two spaces for
vehicle preservation ( not big vehicle bad parking ). you
should see the liberties people take parking next to 
a motorcycle !

-dion ( SUV hating ) fields
-EDGE disegno industriale
-73 gtv
-88 honda hawk ( shhhh . . . it thinks its a ducati )

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