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Interesting developments in SUV market

Notice the new GMC Trailblazer/Envoy line of SUV? Ground clearance approaching that of a normal station wagon (heck with the factory running boards the ground clearance seems less than that of my 164; alfa content duly noted by all I trust) What with the IRS on these huge wagons as well as on the Ford Explorer/Navigator reborn (again!) these piggies are starting to look a lot less like light trucks and more like ordinary passenger cars every day. You all know (and/or could care less about) my views on the US regulation (har har) of these vehicles as compared to passenger vehicles so take it as read.

That's really bad news because they will still totally crush your beloved passenger car in any sort of serious collision, using up your high priced and paid for collision protection with their ridiculously rigid construction and heavy weight, possibly killing you in the process and likely injuring you far more severely than the occupants of the SUV. Darwin? Ha, reverse Darwin actually * see scientific note below. Now they are also more like a real car even more ignorant souls will be buying them (not just those who really need a truck and drive them accordingly, brief nod to those responsible truck users who buy a truck because they need a truck, they'll not be buying too many of these hybrid trucksters, useless for real heavy work and equally useless for passenger hauling).

*And a final note, since I'm wasting bandwidth again anyway, Darwin's idea was that beneficially adaptive mutations would spread through a species by the process of natural selection operating BEFORE reproduction by the parents not having the beneficial adaptation in their genetic makeup. "Natural Selection" was Darwin's Victorian euphemism for "dead." Extinction of the less favourably adapted organisms before they reproduce is how natural selection works, not survival of the fittest as it is so often wrongly referred to, are there really any Lamarckians left out there?

Astute observers will note that the apparent majority of SUV owners have already reproduced......



Michael Smith
Calgary, Alberta,Canada
91 Alfa 164L
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