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77 CA Spider ignition questions

Hello group..

In going thru my Spider's ignition system.. I notice that it originally was a twin point setup, with a vaccum switch to change from one set to the other, to vary the timing.

Of course, the second set isn't there, there is no wire and no vaccum switch. I finally found the port to the manifold, with a rubber plug covering it.

How badly do I need this? Will an astute smog inspector find it missing (hmmm good question)
Assuming I do need one for proper operation, any ideas on where one might find one? Anyone parting out a car?

The second ignition question.. I have a Marelli 166 (?) distributor.. and one of the advance springs is loose, has no tension till part advance, the other has tension from the beginning.. Both springs seem hardly able to pull back after an advance. It is a little gummy, though.

Is that normal? Or are my advance springs stretched out? I plan on cleaning and lubing the mechanisim, as soon as I find a magic tool to get at that @#$@ hold down nut... Actually its the @#$$# air pump bracket in the front of the engine.. gets in the way of a LOT of things.. I remember on the 69 Berlina, I could just get that nut with a regular box end wrench.

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