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RE: Volvo's vs. Motorcycles NAC

Hi Ron,

Oh I probably saw it on or some other completely
un-trustworthy forum.  But speaking from personal experience it's a
rumor I can get behind.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-alfa@domain.elided [mailto:owner-alfa@domain.elided] On Behalf
> Ron Horowitz
> Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 9:54 AM
> To: INTERNET:alfa@domain.elided
> Subject: Volvo's vs. Motorcycles NAC
> >TJ, where did you get the stats regarding m'cycle/Volvo collisions?
> This one has been going around for at least ten years. Does anyone
> for
> sure if it's true or if it's just an urban legend?
> --
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