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In a message dated 9/4/2002 7:17:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
owner-alfa-digest@domain.elided writes:

> I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong (Lawrence?), but the story is
> that there were three cars used in the filming of the Graduate.  

OK, on a related note, last Thursday I was contacted by a woman who is a 
broker for specialty cars to be used in movies.  She was looking for a red 
Graduate spider for a picture shooting at Warner Bros.  -- the next day 

I put her in touch with some potential renters, but I did double check, since 
most people in America know nothing about Alfas with the possible exception  
that one was that little red car used in "The Graduate."   There was a pretty 
good chance that when the call came in for a Graduate, they meant a car as 
seen in that film, rather than the stripper 80s model sold for a limited time 
in the USA.

But she told me they really wanted a Graduate model, because they were trying 
to double a prop car already on the lot (she was surprised at the idea that 
not all red Alfas appear to be the same color red, but why quibble?).  

Seems this upcoming pinnacle in the art of the cinema is "Loony Tunes - the 
Movie," which combines all your favorite Warners cartoon characters with live 
action.  The rent-a-Graduate needed to be a drive-on car that arrives in a 
scene and parks.  Cut to: the adorable cartoon characters cause the big water 
tower on the Warner Bros. lot (symbol of the studio, BTW) to fall over, 
dumping thousands of gallons (not liters) of water into the parked Spider.  
Destroy a Spider -- a guaranteed laugh riot!  Oscar Wilde would admire the 

I am signing up those who want to boycott this stupid turkey along with the 
other contender for worst Alfa film of all time: "Bottle Rocket" in which a 
poor Spider is smashed to bits by sledge hammer-wielding Texas rednecks.  
Haw-haw-haw.  "What kind of pansy would ride in that little toy when he could 
have a red-blooded pick-em-up with a gun rack on the back and cow shit on the 
tires, Clem?"

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