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Re: alfa-digest V8 #1100

Er- Don't you mean a new 147 1.6 Twin Spark? If so, I'm in complete agreement with you. I prefer the 2.0 liter because it has more low-end torque for mountain driving, and isn't as busy at high speed, But I have driven both and you are 100% correct.

George Graves

On Wednesday, September 11, 2002, at 04:08 PM, alfa-digest wrote:

Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 00:58:44 +0200
From: "Bob Corbett" <bobcor@domain.elided>
Subject: Alfa's return to the USA

Hi all

All I can say to you sir, is that you desperately need to drive the new Alfa
146 1.6 Twin Spark. It is 100% Alfa Romeo in so many respects that it is
actually scary how familar the whole experience is compared to the older
Alfas. It is a long time since I have just so much fun driving again. The
cars you compare the new Alfas to pale by comaprison.


Cape Town, South Africa

Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 15:22:26 -0400

From: dsedon@domain.elided

Subject: alfa's return to the usa...

hi all,

re: alfa ever coming back to the usa, bottom line is *who cares*? face it,
how many of us on this list really care about whether or not alfa ever sells
another car in north america? we can fool ourselves - but the bottom line
is, if in 2007 (or whenever?), alfas are sold here, the only ting we'd be
gettin' that's different from any other passenger car here, is the emblem on
the grille. and, if yure lookin' for exclusivity that doesn't come
w/someting like a bmw, mercedes, jag, audi, etc., forget it - if that were
to happen, it wood only mean that alfa's return was a grand failure, &
they'd again be gone, *much* faster than it took 'em to come back.

wake up, everyone, NO ONE makes cars now, that cater to people who actually
enjoy DRIVING. my 164? (which is now a 14-yr-old design, btw) well, it's
yust a camry, w/a much nicer-sounding engine... do i like it? sure, it gives
me the exclusivity that doesn't come w/the other cars out there, & it gives
me fond thoughts of my gtwe6,& milano. :>) (which some folk say have awreddy
lost that real alfa feeling!) anyone who tinks different, is yust deluding
themselves w/fond memories of alfas past...

your mileage will NOT vary,

dug seed in
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