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Re: 164 a sports sedan?

I am not especially objective but I can tell you that a 164 is definitely
NOT a sports sedan.

No, you can't, Michael. Agreed the stock 164 is not a barnstormer but you can't say the LS upwards is anemic - or even anaemic :-) .

The Milano is.

Which Milano are we talking about? The Milano 2.5 was a nice drive but don't get carried away.

The Berlina is though the giulia and giulietta versions
(especially the TI)
The 1750/2000 Berlina is a sports sedan but the LS and Q are not? Are you sneaking something into your cuppa? Agreed the Giulia was a sports sedan and the ti Super was wild but the Berlina and Giulietta Berlina????

are more sports sedan than the bigger Alfas.
By "bigger" you mean the 2600, 6 and 90?

The 164 is a very good handling, heavy luxury sedan. It is a great car, if
that's what you want. It was not intended to compare with a sports sedan
like the Milano (in Europe the 155 was the closest equivalent.)

The closest equivalent in Europe was the 75, which was the Milano

Torque steer is a major problem with the 164.
Until 1994, as someone else pointed out

I really love the way my 164 drives, but it ain't no Milano that's for

Exactly and I'll take my LS over my old Silver any day, thank you.

The GTV6/Milano was ... <snip> Too expensive to build
one with that level of sophistication, and what did they charge for them?
Would it have been better for Alfa to make the 164 more of a scaled-up 116 (with De Dion)? - sure but, as you imply, it would have been a $30K car in '91. At the time Alfa was trying to compete on price and we all know where that got them.

steal, even with the build quality problems.

Absolutely but my LS is very well built apart from some of the German-made components (shocking to some?).

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