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RE: back up lights

> My '92 Spider's back-up lights went out, and it turns out the bulbs
are fine
> and I need a new back-up switch.  I'm told, however, that it's no
simple job
> to change the switch-one has to pull the trans!  Is this an apocryphal
> story, or did Alfa really design it that way?  Any easy solution?

The bulbs may be fine, but there are still other things that could be
the problem other than the backup switch itself.  Have you checked power
to the rear sockets from the switch itself?  In other words, if you
apply voltage from the switch (manually), will the backup lights come

It's also a very simple job to check the switch itself, while the switch
is imbedded in the bellhousing the wires are connected outside (at least
they got *that* part right), you can use an ohm meter to check the
switch in the on and off position.

Assuming you need to replace the switch, in the early cars you sure did
have to pull the transmission to get inside the bellhousing.  I thought
I heard of some sort of access panel in the bellhousing in the later
cars, but I have no direct experience with them so I don't know for
sure.  Worth checking for, however.

I've thought that it should be possible to mount a switch inside the
console that the shift lever itself could activate when pushed into the
reverse position.  Would require a little engineering, and fabrication
of a bracket, but it might be easier than pulling the transmission.

These switches very rarely fail, but when they do you experience one of
the real boneheaded serviceability mistakes made by Alfa.

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