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re:GTV fuel gauge

Okay, here's my fuel sender problem (GTV6). So I locked my keys in the car, which means getting in through the rear hatch, which means disconnected the gas strut from the hatch. And I was in a hurry, so I didn't put it back. A few days later the hatch was still disconnected when a friend was about to get into the car with a hug bag of concrete mix or something on his lap. I said "Don't you want to put that in the trunk?" Well, despite his familiarity with my car, he didn't notice anything unusual when I had to heft the hatch open and then lift the parcel shelf out of the way, or when I said "Whatever you do, don't crush the hatch strut." You can imagine what he did with the huge bag of concrete. The strut rod is only slightly bent, and the carpet on the extreme rear of the car is only slightly torn, but the fuel sender got crushed by the strut, and it looks fine, but intermittently reads a quarter tank low. I suppose it's more likely to read correctly when it's full. Jiggling the wires will make it start reading correctly when it isn't, but I replaced the connectors on all three wires, to no avail. Is this something that I can just get from APE? Will I have to re-learn the relative accuracy of my fuel gauge? This has already cost me a bunch of money because I wanted to avoid buying (heavily-taxed) gasoline while I was in Canada, but I didn't know if I could make it back to the states or not because I didn't know whether I was low on fuel or had >quarter tank!

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