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Alfa upholstery and stuff

Okay, I have a few (too many) minutes on my hands.

What are some of you going to do when buying used Alfa seats and all
those available for your car are ripped, torn, and in general in really
bad shape, upholstery wise.

True, there are any number of upholstery shops out there which could
refurbish them, but I so often get the feeling that used (Alfa) seats
are worthless in the eyes of many unless their upholstery material and
stitching is almost as new.

Hey, if someone is throwing out some '85 or later GTV6 seats because
they have a few upholstery problems, please contact me.

While this hasn't come up for awhile (is that more than somewhat
redundant?), it always amuses me when someone is looking for a specific
body panel and 'prefers' it to be in a particular red or...

Back to waiting for my Chinese dinner to arrive (please no smart

(Who also used to live only 3 minutes from his home until they made him
take his steps down...but that's another story)
Irwindale, CA USA
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