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front cover gasket coolant leak

Gentle Alfisti,
I have been grieving about the leak from the water jacket gasket joint in the 
1750's front timing cover. Yesterday I learned something important that I 
think might save someone alot of work and aggravation. NEVER tighten the fan 
belt by leaning on the front cover with a lever bar. The alternator may be 
levered against the block with the appropriate tool, but the gasketed joint 
at the front cover is very prone to RUINATION by an errant attack with big 
tools. To add to the previous thread about the possibility of removing the 
front cover while leaving the head attached; it can be done, but requires a 
surgeons skill and a sharp razor blade to separate the head/ timing cover 
seal. Do as I say, not as I've done. 
Modelle in Somers Point
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