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I have Berlina boor handles

please contact me at
if you are still in need of door handles
They have already been removed from the car and are complete.

<< On Mon, 30 Sep 2002, James P. Reza wrote:
 > I own a beautiful 1969 Berlina whose drivers side door handle just
 > gave up. After disassembling it, I found the plastic/metal piece that
 > releases the door mechanism when you push the button has broken. It's
 > part of the handle itself, and appears easily replaceable, except that
 > IAP says, "You'll have to find that used." Anyone have a Berlina door
 > handle they'd like to part with, or at least the part I need?
 > Alternately, what are the sources I may check to find one used or new? >>
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