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Re: Dreaming of a new spider

Well, back a few posts I had mentioned that there appears to be a loophole
for these three particular cars when coupled with the 3.0L engine.  There
must be something because Autodelta is importing these, and I also know
of some individuals in Wisconsin who have a yellow Spider and silver 166
(both 3.0L) registered for the US market (ok, not that the colors of the cars
mean anything.. :)

I'm just guessing now, but the 3.0L engine is based on one that was
already certified for the US.  Also, the 166 is a evolution of the 164 (so
you can claim it is similar to a car sold here, as was apparently done
with that 164 Q4 recently seen on eBay) and both the GTV and Spider
were also developed with federalization in mind. It must not be simple
coincidence these are the vehicles showing up here.

Also, if "its illegal", well.. someone better tell that to Autodelta. ;]

Just guessing again, but if they got these Autodeltas approved for street use,
there must be a way to bring over a used 3.0 GTV, etc. from Italy.. and
also get it setup (ala Autodelta specs) for legal use.  Its probably far
easier than trying to import a 156 or 147 with the 2.0 JTS engine, etc.


Date: Fri, 04 Oct 2002 14:54:51 -0700
From: George Graves <gmgraves@domain.elided>
Subject: Re: Dreaming of a new spider

Would that we could 'just import' a used 3.0 Spider or Coupe from
Italy. I'd be working on it now. Unfortunately, as far as I can tell,
its illegal.

George Graves

'86 GTV-6

On Friday, October 4, 2002, at 02:05  PM, alfa-digest wrote:
>>> ps. anyone know what Autodelta charges?
>> Spider - about $US47,000
>> GTV Coupe - about $US45,000
>> 166 - about - $US55,000
>> This from the President of AutoDelta himself (a Sr, Giordano)
> Holy cow!  Lets just import some used GTV 3.0 from Italy
> directly!  I can't stand how Autodelta is modifying the
> aesthetics on those cars.  They look close to tricked
> out Civics...
> take care,
> Ryan
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