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RE: having a bad day...


If you run out of gas in a FI car, assume everything (inclusive) from the
injectors to the tank is now blocked by sh*t.


> ------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2002 09:36:58 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Tessie McMillan <tessmc@domain.elided>
> Subject: having a bad day...


> she'd begin to stumble again.
> Question: could I have gotten muck in the fuel filter when I ran out of
> gas? If so, how do I replace this, or can I put some kind of additive in
> the tank to clean it out? What else could it be? I would expect
> the engine
> management to be fine, since last year I had a total overhaul done at
> Ferrari of Seattle due to failed emissions. (Aha! a clue, you say.
> Yes, she has always run rich.)
> This is an '87 LJet Spider, and she was running perfectly when I gave her
> an ITU last weekend (it was again a warm weekend). Any ideas appreciated!
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