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re: Spider vs Miata

>Another example of how times change: one of the last articles >that featured
>the Spider, compared against the Miata and a few others >including that
>horrid looking Capri thing that was around for awhile, had a >very
>interesting aspect - In every single photo all of the tops >were buttoned up,
>the windows rolled up and the air conditioners on. I think >somebody was
>missing the point.

I believe the point was that you can actually stay cool with the top up.  Believe me I never drive my Spider or Miata unless the top can be down, but I have to admit that I avoided going down the shore all summer because of the fear of getting stuck in traffic for hours in 95 degrees heat and not being able to put the top up because it'll be even hotter.  Yes, I had AC in my Quad, but it was never very cold, especial on 95 degree humid days.  

Now that I've got a Miata I have no fear to be in traffic whatever the weather may be, because top up, AC on, I'll stay as cool as the guy in the BMW or Mercedes next to me.  It may not be as unique or as beautiful as a Spider or Duetto, but its a worry free, fun to drive (maybe more fun than the Spider), convertible.  I will miss the sound of the carbs in a Duetto and looks I get in the Spider Quad, but I won't miss praying that the starter isn't stuck and hope the car will start or its too hot to drive w/ the top down and the AC doesn't really do much, the rainy days where I carry 2 towels and a squeegee to defrost the windows, again praying the wipers will have enough power w/ the lights on to wiper the windshield.  It was things like that that drove me to a Miata!  The Spider/Duetto was ahead of its times in the 60's and 70's, but when the 80's can around it just got out dated.

>So if you want to take it
>out and race it against newer technology you should be aware >that you are
>missing all of what that new technology has to offer. But >then, are you
>racing for yourself or to prove you have a better car?

I don't believe people who drive or race "better" cars are out to prove they have a better car it just simply shows and they want improved technology.  Car for car (stock to stock of course) the Miata gave you more.  More fun, more reliability, more comforts.  I give 3 points to the Spider:

1. Style
2. Interior space
3. Trunk space

Everything else goes to the Miata.  Alfa should of done something to update the 90's Spiders.  There may not be 100 in every parking lot, but I am 110% sure that the Spider would still be available w/ dealerships in the USA today.  It just couldn't compete anymore.  People demanded more and Alfa didn't have the vision to do something about it sooner.  So it exited the convertible in the USA just as they got hot and left us with no more Alfas.  As technology and times changes so does the demands of the people.  If you as a car company can not keep up with the times and changes you will not survive.  Its ashame that Alfa only recently discovered and this and put out these great new cars.

88 Milano 3.0
91 Miata
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