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RE: Miata Schmiata!

It would appear that Alfa's design and performance improvements have
primarily focused on cars with roofs.   Starting in the 70's with the
Alfetta and introduction of the DeDion cars, moving forward to the 155 and
156, the factory works and independent racing efforts have been sedans.

There's no denying the roadster got left behind.   Enjoy your Spiders on a
nice summer day.   Hopefully some day we will get Alfa's serious performance
offerings here in the USA to show up the Miatas, and I would bet the pink
slip that it's going to have a roof.

-Peter (sedan fanatic)

Previous owner of Numerous Alfettas and Milanos.   Current owner of a Verde
and a Super.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-alfa@domain.elided [mailto:owner-alfa@domain.elided]On Behalf Of
Steve An
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 12:18 AM
To: George Graves; alfa@domain.elided
Subject: Re: Miata Schmiata!

This is not entirely true in my opinion...

The miata was conceived by Bob Hall and his team at MANA (Mazda of North
America) in San Diego. It was sketched by Mark Jordan (Chuck's son) and
final details were done by W.H. Chin, both were Art Center grads, where
most of today car designers come from, including most Italian design houses
(e.g. Chris Bangle (head of BMW design), Freeman Thomas (TT, Beetle, head
of Chrysler Design), Jay Mays (Ford, Beetle), Ben Dimson (Mercedes) just to
name a few whom I know personally.

Mazda has a long and illustrious history of making sportscars, they stuck
with the Wankel, made the Cosmo, RX7, won  Lemans, re-introduced the rag
top to the masses, they have sold over 500K Miatas. It may not be the most
original concept, but you can't tell me it was ill-conceived or not well
executed. What did we get from Alfa around the same time? the FWD Spider,
with enough cowl shakes to give your wrists arthritis.

I love Alfas, but the Miata is about as pure a sportscar as there is, then
again, I think cars that weighs 2 tons with 400 horses (e.g. Astons) are
just plain silly.

Yes, I have owned 3 Miatas in various stages of tune and love every mile
behind the wheel. Fabulous chassis, one of the best shifters around,
durable motor and the best part, almost no maintenance and mind numbing

Check out the Miata club, go to any autox or SCCA events and tell me Miata
fans aren't passionate or rabid.

         con brio,

                 - Steve.

                         (who loves his 3 lovely Italian cars)

>By the way, even though I've not driven a recent Miata, the original one
>was certainly no real competition for an Alfa Spider in my eyes. Like most
>Japanese cars, it was designed by the numbers by engineers who take the
>train to work, and therefore there was something left out. That
>"something" is, in my humble estimation, the passion that makes all of us
>rabid Alfisti.
>George Graves
>'86 GTV-6
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