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Alfetta Sedan Project - Transaxle mount eliminates clunk/buzz


Always happy to report a better running Alfa.  I had a bad clunk when shifting and a bad buzz that became worse with molto giri.  Thanks to fellow digesters James Montebello, Peter Webb and Russ Neeley, all are gone.

The problem was a bad passenger side transaxle mount.   This was potentially a simple project using good instructions from James.  But there was the preverbal Alfa "glitch" with removal of the allen head bolts holding the mount to the Dedion crossmember.  The heads were worthless and this lead to two hours of vice grips wrestling to remove the two.  (Also note that these are self-tightening bolts, so even after heat and liquid wrench to get them started, they fought every turn of the way.)

I didn't disconnect the driveshaft and that would have made the job easier.  

Thanks also to Russ who provided a great article on the Milano/|Alfetta rear brake adjustment.  They are counter-intuitive to say the least.  Three of the adjustments tighten counterclockwise and the fourth clockwise just to confound.  

Next job is the steering which is very heavy.  I suspect old tires (car sat for two years) or and bad alignment.  

Stay tuned. 


PS.  Need outside driver or passenger mirror if anyone has one reasonable/free. 
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