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Topless in Finland

In #1249 Heikki Rinta-Koski writes:

"Now that I got your attention, my -76 Spider needs new top and rear
I can tackle most mechanical jobs myself, have a garage and handtools,
patience, but absolutely no experience on convertibles (I'm coming from
Is there good descriptions or instructions about replacing top in the
somewhere? Found some but not too great ones with google.

"Some of the manufacturers say their product is to be installed by
professional only, is it because job is too much for people to do
or is it because they don't want possible returns caused by poor
What other parts than top with window and front seal I need to order?
Preferred suppliers? Preferred materials? Color will be black and I
cloth, canvas or stayfast would be choice of materials.

"What is the purpose of top cable, currently there is only ends which
cut only about 4" long behind both side window and hanging free.

"Is there local Alfistis who would be willing to give a hand and piece
advice in replacing top for pizza and cool refreshments?"


Heikki, there is (or was) a great Alfa book on installing a top for your
car. Mine is copyrighted 1985 by Alfa Romeo Inc. and I purchased it
several years ago from International Auto Parts. I just checked and
their current catalog no longer lists it. The Alfa part number is

I'd suggest you try to get hold of a copy before purchasing anything.
There are a lot of adjustments including the cables you mention. They
add tension to keep the top tight around the door glass. Why, I don't
have a clue, but often the adjusters are missing. You should at least
have a bracket attached to the rear of the windows mechanism. It should
be threaded. You'll need to find adjusters if they are missing.

As far as I'm concerned installing the top yourself or having a
qualified shop do so is virtually a Catch 22 situation. Few shops will
take the time to properly prep (remove rust and paint the top mechanism,
then WD-40 all joints, wiping off the excess). Additionally, there are
24 studs holding the back of the top. Even in sunny So. Cal. often some
or many of these studs are missing or rusted so badly they require
replacing. All of the 'bad' ones need new one's welded on. All threads
should be cleaned with a die, all rust should be removed from 'back
there, a rust convertor painted on followed by an epoxy primer, followed
by enamel  or urethane paint, then threads cleaned up again.

Short of an anal do-it-yourselfer or anal restoration shop, this will
Never get done correctly by even the better upholstery shops. At best
they'll wire brush everything and throw on some fast drying paint - and
so there's a half dozen broken studs, the client will never know.

However...a good to excellent upholstery shop knows how to install tops
and make everything nice and tight once installed and reasonably leak
free (except for the 1/2 dozen broken studs allowing water in - at least
there's a drain - providing the upholstery shop replaced the four drain
hoses and made sure the tubes were clear of debris). It's also really
fun kneeling inside the car once the top is on and in place and oh so
carefully applying contact cement to the fabric overlays / metal bows,
then smoothly wrapping.

I've installed a fair number of tops on Alfa Spiders, primarily on
Round-Tails. They're a bitch, but at least tops available for them have
seams front and back (as would one's for your car). If not misting in
the a.m. I'm going to drive a client's '60 Alfa Spider 30 miles to an
upholstery shop to have a top installed, tonneau cover made, and top
cover made and installed. I spent most of last weekend cleaning the top
bows (Very different top from yours) and most of the mechanism,
replacing the 18 screws and washers with custom made screws while
lubricating each, then painting as much as I can without entirely
removing the top canvas. I'm friends with the co-owner of the upholstery
shop, but he won't install the top if I bring it to him disassembled.
Therefore I had to install the top yesterday so his workers can then
remove it again. As long as I'm rambling here...there is no seam  at the
back of the pre-made tops for these cars and one better know Exactly how
much the top will stretch before gluing and cutting. I'm not that brave.

And finally (regarding the pizza and cool refreshments), do you deliver?

Irwindale, CA USA
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