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Down with SUV's & on With Alfa Subject - GTV in Click & Clack Column

Our Connecticut Post today has a Click & Clack column "A Sacrifice to the
Gods of Corrosion" in which a writer says, "I am the proud owner of a 1974
Alfa Romeo GTV.  I know what you're thinking - I'm nuts.  Honestly, I'm not.
Alfas are actually very easy to take care of - they have simple engines that
even a dope like me can work on.  My problem is rust.  I really want to stop
it from eating my precious Alfa.  Recently, I heard about electronic
rust-prevention systems. ... Do any of them work?  Can you recommend one? --

Their answer is essentially no.  But, a couple of parts are worth quoting -
"Tom: I think maybe Gavin's Alfa is the sacrificial anode for all of the
other cars in his neighborhood."

"Ray: Instead of wasting your money on these quack products, save up for a
full-body restoration done by a reputable shop.  If you have to do that
every 15 or 20 years, that's not so bad, right?"

As for the never-to-die SUV thread - Americans are suckers for con jobs.
The auto manufacturers conned the public into believing that SUV's serve a
purpose other than satisfying their own greed.  Who should we blame?  The
hucksters or the suckers?

Norm Sippel
Hater of SUV's from the beginning.
Lover of Alfas since the 1950's
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