
Re: bmw-digest V2 #159

Hi Dan,
I think your idea is great! I have not really had a bad experience with 
the parts houses, but feel the need for more wholesale suppliers is 
important. I know just getting the catalogue from one place took a couple
of weeks. The prices were pretty good, but did reflect that they probably
had a bit of overhead.

I know there are quite a few bicycle shops that have gone mailorder with 
great success. They have relied on great prices, easy returns, knowledgable
phone order takers (they ask quite a few questions to make sure you get
the right part), low overhead, high volume, FedEx at low cost, etc. 

It would be nice if car parts came with a good description of how to 
install them properly. A copy out of the appropriate page of a manual
would be great, but publisher permission would be necessary. Anyway,
I think more people would buy parts from a warehouse if they had help
doing the installation themselves. I recently had a brake light switch
go out on my 89 535i. The part was 22 bucks and the installation was
75 bucks. The part price/installation price ratio usually not this bad.
Anyway, I know I would be more likely to buy from a parts house if I 
could do the installation myself.

As to internet advertising: Sending out advertising won't be kosher, but
having people post something saying they got a great deal on German car
parts and contact so an so at 555-2002, etc is fine. Using the net
to communicate orders/questions etc is no problem and should be a great
asset to those your future customers.

Hurry up and do it so I can buy some parts from you!
