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Getting All My "Included" Scheduled Maintenance

Hello All:

	I bought a '97 328i BMW executive car (meaning it was driven by BMW, not
that it has a cellphone and a fax machine) with 4,000 miles in March of
1998.  The "in service" date is 1/97, meaning that the
maintenance/warrantee clock started ticking then.  I will probably only put
8-10,000 miles per year on the car and would like to get to the Inspection
II on BMW's tab if possible.  I had my first oil change visit when I had
one green light left and the dealer said that was acceptable to BMW for
scheduled maintenance service.  My guess is that I will get to
one-green-light status every 7,500 miles or so.  By my math, therefor, I
will only have about 20,000-22,000 miles on the car when my 3 years are up.
 Is there anything I can do to get the 36,000 miles of free scheduled
service that was imbedded in the price of my car?  Can I: (1) demand BMW to
provide oil changes and inspections when more green lights remain in order
to speed up the frequency of service? or (2) request the more comprehensive
Inspection II when my last scheduled maintenance is coming up near January
of 2000 (even though I'll probably only be up to my second dealer oil
change, or (3) assume that in January of 2000 all business as we know it
will be shut down by the dreaded Y2K problem, making this issue moot or (4)
drive cross country a couple of times to better enjoy the car AND rack up
	I'm not trying to squeeze anything from BMW that I'm not entitled to (I
swear!), but if my purchase price included the assumption of 2 oil changes
and an Inspection I and II, I would like to receive them all.  BTW, I will
certainly change the oil myself in between dealer services.
	I sense that this may be a topic that some creative minds on the Digest
have dealt with, but I have not seen it addressed during my brief time
enjoying the Digest.  TIA.

'97 328i looking for a German sugar-daddy to maintain me
Donn York
Treasurer, The Interlake Corporation
(630) 719-7247
