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Re[2]: [ihc]liquid electrical tape/soldering

JH> Hofs previously wrote:
JH> ...
JH> My soldering melts the insulation back a little way, but I build it back up
JH> with liquid electrical tape.

I like the liquid electrical tape.  I goop it on over the soldered
connection, then shrinkwrap or tape wrap over that.  I've come back to
connections after five years of road use in an exposed location and
found the solder-wire junction nice and shiny vs the normal

Oh, and because it often comes up in a discussion of wiring
connections on a vehicle, I have experienced the failure due to
soldering that can occur in heavy vibration environment.  Ie, the
solder vs crimp argument.  Soldering does produce a superior
connection between wire and component, but it does provide an abrupt
transition point in the wire from stiff(with solder) to flexible.  At
this transistion point the wire can flex repeatedly and then fail due
to fatigue.  I have a specific application in which this failure mode
has occurred repeatedly.  I still prefer to solder vs crimp but this
problem is a real one.


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