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history and heritage

In a message dated 01/09/2002 11:02:09 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
owner-alfa-digest@domain.elided writes:

> quite frankly I don't
> really care about what has happened in the world before my birth.  

I am really astonished to hear this from Luca, an Italian.  So many Italians 
I know are much much more concerned with what happened before they were born 
(often a long time before) than anything going on now, other than dinner.  
Maybe he is unique or maybe I just know older people with older attitudes?  
Look around in Italy: the houses are old, there is very little modern art but 
a giant and revered cultural heritage from hundreds of years ago, and there 
is much less interest as I see it in anything new and durable than in 
anything old; much interest in the new seems to be channeled into things that 
are perishable, such as fashion, food, even auto and product design.



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