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sorry I brought it up! Feel like Basil Fawlty!

In a message dated 01/09/2002 11:02:09 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
owner-alfa-digest@domain.elided writes:

> > i think U missed my point, it's not that the automotive products
> > in question are from a particular country, but that they are being
> > made by the very same companies which participated and profitted
> > in the biggest crimes in history.
I only advanced a theory in response to a posting as to why premium Japanese 
brands seem to trump the German makes in the S. FL market.  But I guess I 
touched upon a nerve that has not completely healed.  Sorry.  OTOH, I guess 
there must have been more than a grain of truth in what I said or it wouldn't 
have brought this number of comments.

Certainly every industrialized country has a history of actions and behaviors 
that are horrific to our eyes today, yet somehow they really did do these 
things in the past.  And, some continue to do the unspeakable even now.  I 
don't think there's any point now to get into ranking whose past was darkest. 
 It is all blood under the bridge.

Perhaps even the pacific agrarian paradises would be just as terrible if only 
they had the mechanisms.  Could point to too many recent examples.  Perhaps 
it is in us all to be terrible.

In this new year let's hope we can watch this all recede ever farther into 
the mists of history and leave it there with other vestigial organs.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programing. 


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