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Brit Tops

Here we go again.  LBC tops vs Alfa tops.

My $.02:
Shall I tell you about the trousers I ruined driving a then-new 1990 Alfa
Spider home from Alfa's garage as I took the car for a week's test when I
was an auto editor?  The outer edge of the top & windshield frame didn't
quite mate.  And, I didn't have any towels to lay over my leg as the rain
came in.

My MGB top leaks occasionally too when I don't seat the seal correctly
against the windshield header.  But, at least I have a towel in the car to
keep my clothes dry if that happens.  And, besides, my MGB is now 36 years
old with a 3 year old top & seal.

There is a trick to erecting the top when rain hits.  I have the old 2-piece
top bows on my MGB as they are the only ones that will fit around the roll
bar.  Here's the deal:  with tonneau cover in place (DO you Alfisti know
what that is?) and edges moved away from the sides, I insert the bars &
place the top on attaching the rear first, then undo the driver's side of
the tonneau, get in & secure the front.  The tonneau can them be undone from
inside the car & windows rolled up.  It isn't a big deal.  (Yes, it takes
longer than putting up the top of a Miata, but - old cars are LOTS MORE FUN!
I know, my daughter had one.  The air conditioning was much better though.)
Ask me how I know this drill so well.  Rain drops are falling on my head...

Norm Sippel
'66 MGB
'59 Turner - only has a removable hardtop
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