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RE: can't free up clutch on a 115... 164S still FS :)


I had the same happen to a former GTV of mine. Since mine was not registered/insured and I lived on a busy street I could not use the previously mentioned drive with the clutch pedal in.
What I did was get the rear end up on jack stands (place them under the axle not the body). Next I chocked the front wheels. Then I started the car in first gear. With the clutch depressed I heal and toed the gas and brakes, braking abruptly for very short periods. This did the trick. I do warn you that if you dont have a good set of jack stands and a nice flat concrete floor that this is a bit of a dangerous trick.

Good luck,
Alfaless in Astoria

Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2002 09:06:49 -0600
From: "jan ben" <searover83@domain.elided>
Subject: can't free up clutch on a 115...  164S still FS :)

Hi all,

haven't been able to drive my "new" '74 gtv yet.. I got it running OK, but I
can't free up the clutch, which got stuck from sitting too long.  I tried
starting it in gear to no avail.   Any other tricks?   I was thinking maybe
try to spray some Kroil or other rust solvent thru the bell access,  but dunno
if I can get enough on the splines by the clutch plate.. whatcha think?
Jan in NJ

PS.. still FS the164S, '91 133k miles.. $3500?
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